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I'm Tabbin Almond

Certified Senior This Naked Mind Coach and Certified Grey Area Drinking Coach

My mission is to help people regain control over alcohol.

Click here for The Alcohol Debate podcast

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I'm Tabbin Almond

Certified Senior This Naked Mind Coach and Certified Grey Area Drinking Coach

Curious about the effects of alcohol on your fitness?

Watch the free, on-demand webinar to learn why even the super-fit are not immune to the effects of alcohol.

Book a Discovery Call

Click below to book a FREE one hour Discovery Call with Tabbin. This is your chance to find out about what is involved in coaching, and whether we would be a good fit

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Wondering if you have a problem with alcohol?

Download the free guide that will walk you through a handful of questions to determine if you have a problem with alcohol.

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Listen to the podcast

Click below to find out more about the The Alcohol Debate podcast - where we separate myth from reality and explore what alcohol does for us and what to does to us

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Pre-order the book

'Bottling Up Trouble - how alcohol is harming your business...and what to do about it' will be published on 10th Sept 2024

Pre-order here

You know, deep down, that your drinking is impacting your life and your relationships...

You have probably been pretty successful in life, but you know, deep down, that your drinking is impacting your life and your relationships. You are worried that you are losing control in your relationship with alcohol.

What started out as ‘social drinking’ now places more emphasis on the ‘drinking’ than the ‘social’, to the point that you may well be drinking alone and/or in secret. (That is certainly what happened to me).

You make repeated promises to yourself that you will cut back or stop drinking altogether, and every time you break these promises, your self-loathing intensifies. You are fearful about colleagues and your friends and family finding out about your ‘problem’, and you feel very ashamed.

Is it time for you to make a change?

If you are here, your head is probably full of questions about your relationship with alcohol. And you may be wondering whether you could actually live an alcohol-free life, (answer = yes, you could) and what that would be like (answer = amazing).

As a certified senior coach with This Naked Mind, and a certified Gray Area Drinking coach, (and former problem-drinker), I help people change their relationship with alcohol and live happier and more fulfilled lives as a result!

True freedom is available through my coaching...

In my ‘Wine to Water’ Coaching Programme...

I will show you that it’s not your fault that you’ve developed a problem, and that there IS a way out of this. Once you understand the science of what goes on in our bodies and brains (and how they are interconnected), we work together to regulate your nervous system and develop behaviour change strategies that are tailored to your personal circumstances.
However, the success of this coaching lies in the fact that it goes well beyond the physical behaviour change – I will work with you to identify your subconscious beliefs around alcohol and what it does for you, and help you reframe these beliefs, so that you genuinely no longer want to drink. Instead you’ll be able to lead a life full of compassion for yourself and for those around you.
That is the true freedom that is available through this coaching.
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”Tabbin saved my life. She took me from a dark sewer where I thought there was no hope for the future to a beautiful sunny beach where I get to live my best life. She turned the seemingly impossible into an achievable and fulfilling goal. This isn’t just about alcohol but the reasons behind the drink. Tabbin helped me to shine a light on my false beliefs and to reframe my convictions. She enabled me to regain confidence and trust in my worth. It’s not about where you have been, it’s about how far you can go, with the very best coach by your side who is acutely aware of every potential hazard along the way. Find the path to your own beach – it’s worth every single second of effort to get there.”


- V (UK)

" Tabbin is an excellent coach. She is insightful and thoughtful, supportive and challenging in a positive way. Her open honest engagement makes it really easy to open up to her. Tabbin is very knowledgeable about This Naked Mind and she shares that knowledge willingly. I have found Tabbin’s coaching very helpful and have no hesitation in recommending her."


- Cat (UK)

" Tabbin has been nothing short of amazing and has changed my life. I was in a very bad place, mentally and physically, when I started my sessions with her. This was my first time working with a coach of any sort and I was sceptical that it would work. Tabbin was supportive, patient and knowledgeable from the outset and the results have been excellent. My self belief and positive nature has returned, as has my physical health. I recently celebrated by 100th day alcohol free and this is in very large part down to Tabbin's support and guidance. I would wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone else needing support with alcohol addiction.”


- Lee (UK)

"Tabbin exudes empathy, compassion, and honesty, offering her personal experiences along her alcohol-free journey. She rephrases, offers observations, uses metaphors to accentuate a learning, empathizes, clarifies her role, summarizes, co-creates goals, follows up, maintains a coaching agreement, celebrates successes…you get the picture. She persistently displays a flexible and sensitive approach in encouraging individual accountability - in a way that leaves the participant acknowledged, supported, and bolstered rather than judged and defeated."


- Pandora (USA)

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How I am qualified to help you ...

I have undergone rigorous, specialized coach training that allows me use the ground-breaking TNMI methodology and a science-based approach to making alcohol truly small & irrelevant in your life.

If you aren't familiar with Annie Grace and her books (start with 'This Naked Mind'), her unique approach is an absolute game-changer. 

It's based in freedom (not deprivation), grace (not judgment or shame), and transforming whole lives (not just physical habits).

The Gray Area Drinking training I have undertaken with Jolene Park has enabled me to add considerably to the 'tool box' I can offer clients, including regulation of the central nervous system, and personalised advice on nutrition and somatic practices.


Featured Blog Posts

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Why inconsistency between actions and beliefs drives alcoholism - and how to stop it happening.

I recently came across the most glorious typo. Glorious because it really made me think. 

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Alcohol: The wellness topic that remains taboo in the workplace.

Summary dismissal is often the result when employees go to employers about alcohol dependence.

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Bonding over a beer – alcohol in the workplace

Booze has been centre-stage in the shenanigans in Downing St in the last couple of years. Bottle-laden tables at ‘work...


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